Smart Cities need smart citizens and this session will focus on citizen engagement and user driven open innovation using ICTs, ensuring that citizens are at the centre of ICT service development through co-production. It will bring together the collective experience of more than 20 projects supported through a range of EU programmes (CIP, FP7, FI-PPP etc.) which have come together to form the Connected Smart Cities network in partnership with Eurocities and the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). Now, focusing on Horizon 2020, the Connected Smart Cities Network is working closely with the Future Internet PPP (FI-PPP), FIRE and the EIT ICT Labs to consider the Future Internet as a backbone for open, shared experimental platforms and ecosystems.
The session will cover the development of Local Digital Agendas at a strategic level through to practical applications and services being piloted and reused across Europe and globally which all share to commitment to citizen engagement and empowerment. This idea of reuse and replication is particularly focused on "tools for smart cities" a cross-cutting theme across all of the projects collaborating in the network. Projects will present results and work in progress to showcase open innovation in practice, with examples including open data, social innovation, creative industries and FI enabled web entrepreneurship.