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FI-driven Digital Business Innovation (Bringing value to European Industries)

A panel composed by different representatives of the FI PPP and experts in relevant areas will address the following questions. Panelist will provide opening positions that will continue with panel discussions. 

  • What kind of Innovation can the FI-PPP promote in European Enterprises? Just technology push innovation?
  • What can be the role of FI-PPP to enable innovation in the public sector and avoid forms of digital divide in Europe?
  • What are the key features behind a reference digital business innovation methodology to accelerate FI-based sustainable product and service innovation for SMEs and web-entrepreneurship?
  • How to impact our society by technological excellence and simultaneously enhancing competitiveness and STEEP (Social, Technological, Economical, Environmental and Political) sustainability?
  • How do we see the future of the FI-PPP after its conclusion and what are the main business-social-political-legislative barriers to be removed to make it a real and competitive “European Service Platform”




FLEX_project: FLEX project participated in @FIAATHENS2014 with a poster 10 years 9 months ago
celarfp7: We've been admiring ourselves in the @FIAAthens2014 photos - lots of videos and images of #fia_athens on their site 10 years 11 months ago

News & Updates

16/03/2014 FIA2014 has started: Welcome and tips

Welcome to the Future Internet Assembly of 2014 in Athens.

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12/03/2014 On-line registration has expired

On-site registration will be possible during the event.

19/02/2014 Press Release

FIA Athens 2014 Brings Together Key European Internet Stakeholders this March in Athens to...

13/11/2013 Welcome to FIA Athens 2014!

This year FIA focuses on reshaping the Future Internet infrastructure for innovation