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IPv6-powered emergency communication systems

6inACTION communication system is a Slovenian IPv6 pilot for Advanced Emergency Response Communication System (A-ERCS). A-ERCS represents a vision of a convergent, reliable and smart communication system designed specifically for professional use in emergency situations. It represents a unique effort of IPv6 deployment and uptake in governmental environment for a highly specialized target user group, i.e., a fire fighter unit utilizing communications on field during an intervention. The talk will show a novel approach of using advanced network functionalities (i.e., NEMO, IPSec, DSMIPv6, user and sensor tracking functionalities, SSM multicast) in professional communications, enabling commercial and professional infrastructure convergence, network, host and sensor mobility, and system intelligence for automatic network planning and deployment capabilities. It will demonstrate also integration of network and sensor capabilities for “IoT-empowered emergency situations”. 6inACTION system functionalities and IoT services will be presented using a live demo environment.

Speaker / Organisation: Janez Sterle, Mojca Volk (ULFE)

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13/11/2013 Welcome to FIA Athens 2014!

This year FIA focuses on reshaping the Future Internet infrastructure for innovation