This session aims to explore collaboration opportunities between FIRE facility providers and a diversity of actors and initiatives in Europe and beyond. The session will present and discuss different aspects of these opportunities, including the underlying business models, requirements for economic viability, and the development path towards implementing concrete collaborations. Speakers will represent both representatives of FIRE facilities as well as potential collaboration partners and other stakeholders from industry, Future Internet initiatives, EIT ICT Labs, and national initiatives.
Moderator: Milon Gupta (Eurescom, CI-FIRE)
- Serge Fdida (UPMC, OpenLab, CI-FIRE): "The Collaboration Between FIRE and EIT ICT Labs"
- Mauro Campanella (GARR): "Perspectives for collaboration between FIRE and GÉANT"
- Wim Vandenberghe (iMinds, FED4FIRE): “Collaboration between FIRE and GENI".