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Achieving Cloud Application Portability and Interoperability with mOSAIC - an Open-Source API and Platform for Multiple Clouds

mOSAIC EU project offers a solution to the vendor lock-in problem that affects the IT companies and customers as they are dependent of the Cloud service providers since the Cloud applications are not usually portable from one Cloud to another. The final results of the consortium efforts are reflected in a set of new concepts and software prototypes. The main targeted users are the application developer, for whom mOSAIC is offering a new degree of freedom: the decision of which Cloud service to be used is postponed from the design phase to the deployment phase. The results that are distinguishing mOSAIC from other solutions for multiple Clouds are the followings:
• A new level of abstractions of the Cloud resources that allows not only an uniform access to multiple Clouds, but also to decouple from the inherited style of programming of the accessed services;  the conceptual API is implemented currently in Java, Python and Erlang;
•Targeting the application developer, an entire set of tools was built for an easy design of the Cloud applications. Eclipse plug-ins, work-benchs, templates, and various front-ends, like web interfaces are able to assist the developer. In particular the Semantic Engine and Dynamic Semantic Discovery Service support the user in discovering the resources and services offered by mOSAIC and various Cloud providers, based on Application and Cloud Patterns, and perform their semiautomatic integration in the mOSAIC API. A machine readable (OWL) Cloud ontology has been defined at these purposes, which is being included in the IEEE Intercloud Standard. Another software prototype is the Personal Testbed Cluster that allows the development, testing and debugging of the codes on own desktop, and then, with the help of the other tools, to experience a seamless deployment in multiple Clouds;
• The selection of the Cloud service to be consumed is semi-automated in mOSAIC by a unique Cloud Agency, a multi-agent systems capable to broker and negotiate the resources and to establish the service-level-agreements with the selected Cloud(s) according to the needs of the applications, and to monitor and possibly dynamically reconfigure the resources provided; six Cloud commercial Cloud providers and six open-source and deployable infrastructure(-as-a-)services are currently connected;
•  An open-source and deployable Platform-as-a-Service that is able to manage the selected resources, as well as the application components; particular features are related to the full control of the life-cycle of the application individual components, not encountered elsewhere.
•  A set of innovative applications relying upon infrastructure and software services from multiple Clouds.

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