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Profiles - PhD. Albert Vico-Oton

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PhD. Albert Vico-Oton

Albert Vico-Oton, studied his Ph.D at the University Rovira i Virgili, at Tarragona, Spain. His Thesis entitled "Collected results on graphs, semigroups and codes", presented his years of research on applied mathematics to graph and coding theory. Also Albert, obtained a Master degree on computer science with strong focus on networks and security, his Master thesis was based on his works on fingerprinting schemes based on Reed-Solomon codes. Furthermore, Albert, worked more than 3 years as developer and sysadmin in a web based SME that had thousands of unique web visits a day.

Nowadays, Albert, leads the team of Future Internet Testbeds at the i2CAT foundation, where he works on SDN, NFV and network infrastructures for experimentation.


FLEX_project: FLEX project participated in @FIAATHENS2014 with a poster 10 years 9 months ago
celarfp7: We've been admiring ourselves in the @FIAAthens2014 photos - lots of videos and images of #fia_athens on their site 10 years 11 months ago

News & Updates

16/03/2014 FIA2014 has started: Welcome and tips

Welcome to the Future Internet Assembly of 2014 in Athens.

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12/03/2014 On-line registration has expired

On-site registration will be possible during the event.

19/02/2014 Press Release

FIA Athens 2014 Brings Together Key European Internet Stakeholders this March in Athens to...

13/11/2013 Welcome to FIA Athens 2014!

This year FIA focuses on reshaping the Future Internet infrastructure for innovation