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Profiles - Prof. Panayiotis Tsanakas

ptsanakas's picture
Prof. Panayiotis Tsanakas
GRNET Chairman and CEO

Prof. Panayiotis Tsanakas received his BS degree in electrical engineering from the University of Thessaloniki, his MSc in Computer Engineering from Ohio University, and his PhD in Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens. He is currently serving as professor of computer science in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.  He has participated in several national and EU-sponsored projects, in subjects covering e-Infrastructures, distributed systems, parallel computer architectures, embedded systems, grid computing, and medical informatics. He has published four Greek textbooks and more than 80 research articles in scientific journals and international conferences. He is currently the Chairman of GRNET, the state organization responsible for the deployment and operation of the national academic network, and the research infrastructures in both cloud computing and high-performance computing. He has also served as a member of the national telecom regulator (EETT). His research interests include high performance computer systems architectures, grid/cloud computing, and distributed medical applications.


FLEX_project: FLEX project participated in @FIAATHENS2014 with a poster 10 years 9 months ago
celarfp7: We've been admiring ourselves in the @FIAAthens2014 photos - lots of videos and images of #fia_athens on their site 10 years 11 months ago

News & Updates

16/03/2014 FIA2014 has started: Welcome and tips

Welcome to the Future Internet Assembly of 2014 in Athens.

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12/03/2014 On-line registration has expired

On-site registration will be possible during the event.

19/02/2014 Press Release

FIA Athens 2014 Brings Together Key European Internet Stakeholders this March in Athens to...

13/11/2013 Welcome to FIA Athens 2014!

This year FIA focuses on reshaping the Future Internet infrastructure for innovation