Ken Ducatel, British, aged 56, holds a PhD in economic geography from Bristol University and an MSc in transport policy from Cranfield University in the UK. He has worked on information society policy for twenty years. He was a member of the Faculty of University of Manchester for 14 years. From 1997 to 2003, he worked at the European Commission's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies in Seville, where he led the Institute's flagship "Futures Project." From 2004 to 2008 he was a member of Commissioner Reding's Cabinet responsible for Lisbon Strategy & Policies for the Information Society . In January 2009 he became Head of Unit for the "Digital Agenda: Policy Coordination" in DG Information Society. Since July 2012 he leads the "Software and Service, Cloud Computing Unit" in the newly formed DG CONNECT.
Ken Ducatel
“Software and Services, Cloud”, DG CONNECT-European Commission