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Profiles - Eduard Escalona

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Eduard Escalona
i2CAT Foundation, ICM Research Line Manager

Dr. Eduard Escalona is the Infrastructure Control and Management research line manager within the Distributed Applications and Networks Area of the i2CAT Foundation. Before, he worked for 5 years (2007-2012) as a senior research officer at the University of Essex (UK) involved in several EU funded projects. He obtained his MSc degree in telecommunications and PhD degree in optical grid networking at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). His main research interests are related to future internet architectures, with special focus in SDN and control and management of future internet infrastructures. He is co-author of over 60 scientific papers among international conferences and journals


FLEX_project: FLEX project participated in @FIAATHENS2014 with a poster 10 years 9 months ago
celarfp7: We've been admiring ourselves in the @FIAAthens2014 photos - lots of videos and images of #fia_athens on their site 10 years 11 months ago

News & Updates

16/03/2014 FIA2014 has started: Welcome and tips

Welcome to the Future Internet Assembly of 2014 in Athens.

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12/03/2014 On-line registration has expired

On-site registration will be possible during the event.

19/02/2014 Press Release

FIA Athens 2014 Brings Together Key European Internet Stakeholders this March in Athens to...

13/11/2013 Welcome to FIA Athens 2014!

This year FIA focuses on reshaping the Future Internet infrastructure for innovation