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Cross-breeding social networks and networked media in the Future Internet

John Domingue - Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK
Spyros Denazis - University of Patras, Greece
Proponent Projects:

Social media already influence social relationships thus changing social structure enabled by technological advances. These advances transform the environments we are surrounded by, as they introduce new kinds of interactions between humans and objects. It is therefore natural for users within this emerging social cyberspace to demand the kind of media experiences they are accustomed to in their daily lives with the community type of communications being at the central stage.

To this end, there is a compelling need to address this community-centric digitally-based ecosystem. In this workshop we will debate how this cross-breeding of social networks and networked media can support the the explosion of user generated content, ubiquitous access to everything, as well as embrace emerging community-centric media services. With the participants, we aim to explore the synergy between social media analytics and networked media delivery and its impact on user experience. Part of this synergy is the discovery of hidden relationships residing in the information/data generated by the communities which provides valuable feedback to a range of highly interactive services.   

We invite researchers, industry and SMEs active on the crossroads of social and networked media to attend and participate, and to collaborate on a roadmap for socially networked media in the Future Internet. During the workshop, presentations will be mixed with a moderated fishbowl-type discussion, with ample interaction with the audience.




In this talk, we will explore the evolution of streaming services developed and operated in-house by GRNET NOC, as influenced by the development of high quality open-source software and GRNET's cloud computing infrastructure. The technical discussion will be accompanied by observations on the increasing user demand for such services in recent years, using the Hellenic Parliament Web TV as a case study. The presentation will showcase how such a flexible and scalable infrastructure has allowed our team to cope with record-breaking bursts of user demand, and how the continuous evolution of this infrastructure towards high quality and cost effective services can scale to meet the expectations of users.


Workshop opening by the chairs; introductions, agenda, aims and arrangements

sdena's picture Spyros Denazis University of Patras, Greece Projects: STEER

Media distribution traffic dominates the internet traffic today. Additionally the majority of users seem to adopt free and open media distribution services as YouTube and peer to peer systems. The content that they consume is sometimes suggested to them through social networks which act as content information disseminators. On the other hand service providers in media distribution have mainly focused in closed and proprietary services which don't seem to be widely adopted by end users. Social networks look like a promising environment able to bridge the gap between these two worlds. On the other hand such an attempt raises many research challenges that we first have to address. Presented by Nikos Efthymiopoulos from University of Patras


Social networks have emerged as a dominant form of social interaction, but they continue to exhibit poor support for synchronous forms of communication. Recently we have also witnessed a rapid increase in the use of video conferencing for socialisation, evidence of the fact that body language and voice intonations are an essential part of our everyday interactions, in many instances more important than the words themselves. The two forms of communication, however, remain more or less separated from each other. The EU FP7 project Vconect hypothesizes that integrating them can create a richer form of mediated social interaction. This integration poses significant challenges with regards to service design as well as to platform implementation, the latter requiring the ability of a live video communication system to dynamically adapt to both communication contexts and network constraints thereby maximising interaction experiences and minimising the cost of operation. This presentation will report on positive results achieved by Vconect in addressing these challenges. Presented by Mr. Michael Frantzis, Goldsmiths University of London


This talk will present the work of the SocialSensor project, towards developing a new framework for enabling real-time multimedia indexing and search in the Social Web. Being in its final year SocialSensor has developed a platform with real-time social indexing capabilities prototyped in two use cases: (a) news, involving professional news editors, journalists and casual readers, for discovering new interesting social content, and (b) infotainment, providing new multimedia search tools and unique media consumption experiences to attendants of large events (e.g. festivals). Presented by Dr Nikos Sarris, Head of Operations, ATC Innovation Lab

nsarris's picture Dr Nikos Sarris Head of Operations, ATC Innovation Lab

The talk will present work on ways to incorporate social networks into collective cultural and educational experiences and combine them with multimedia services to create a fresh, immersive and interactive experience. The employment of social networks also allows the collection of valuable real-time feedback, the analysis of which can significantly help draw conclusions and improve the offered experience. The talk will include a presentation of results from the EU FP7 project EXPERIMEDIA, related to the experiments at the Foundation of the Hellenic World venue. Presented by Dr. Athanasios Voulodimos, National Technical University of Athens


Linked Open Data has come to prominence recently as it has been taken up by a number of governments and big Internet and Media players such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook and the BBC to link online resources and data. Within this talk I outline how Linked Open Data could be used as a glue between social networks and network media using a number of Open University projects that are based on this technology. Specifically, we have been using Linked Open Data to analyse social networks, support 'live social semantics' where we combine online information and Linked Data to support real interactions at a conference, support video discovery, support the discovery of learning,resources from semantic markup of BBC broadcast programmes, and support end-user advertising of products shown within online videos.

john.domingue's picture John Domingue Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK Projects: FORGE
Panel Discussion

An interactive discussion on cross-breeding social networks and networked media in the Future Internet, in fishbowl discussion format. Moderated by the Chairs.

omar.niamut's picture Dr. Omar Niamut TNO Projects: STEER; EXPERIMEDIA

Concluding session. The group will revisit what has been collected throughout the day.

john.domingue's picture John Domingue Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK Projects: FORGE
Monday, 17 Mar
Pre-FIA Workshop


sdena's picture
University of Patras, Greece
nsarris's picture
Head of Operations, ATC Innovation Lab
john.domingue's picture
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK